Handling social media the proper way is a job for a professional, yet, so often, candidates either try to do it themselves, hand it over to volunteers or worse – family or friends! The sad thing is, when that happens, it is painfully obvious. You DO want to be taken seriously, don’t you? Conservative Campaign Consulting has managed hundreds of political social media accounts, so you can trust us to manage yours!
Our social media services include initial page page setup, configuration, graphics, posting, replies, responses, and more.
Here Are Some Helpful Social Media Tips:
All your social media should clearly state your name (first and last), your website URL, and the office you are running for (and where). We can’t tell you how many times we have visited a candidate’s social media pages where it wasn’t obvious that they were running for office AT ALL! What WAS obvious was that they were running a rookie campaign that had no chance of winning.
If your name is Joe Smith and you are running for US Senate in Oklahoma, that should be the FIRST THING people see when they go to any of your social media accounts. By the way, you may be surprised to learn that MOST people do not understand the difference between STATE Senate and US Senate.
Can You Answer These Important Social Media Questions?
Should you block trolls? Or should you ignore them?
Do you know who really is a troll vs. who is trying to get information?
Does the social media manager post as if they are the candidate?
How do you get new followers?
How do you get people to engage your page?
How do you know what to share on Facebook, and when?
What is the correct ratio of people you follow on Twitter vs the number of people who follow you?
How much money should be spent on Facebook advertising? If any.
How often should your page be putting out information?
How many photos should be on your pages?
Should you upload campaign videos to Facebook? Or use YouTube instead?
Should the candidate openly criticize their opponents on social media?
How many people (and who) should have admin access to social media accounts?
We promise our social media services will be the best you have EVER had!
My name is Lauren and me and my team of hard working, red-blooded, conservative patriots are ready to take your campaign to the next level! Time is running out, so call us today at 888-298-4848!