Every political campaign, big and small, needs volunteers to assist with day to day efforts. But, unorganized volunteers, or people doing whatever they want, whenever they want, does not help a campaign. In fact, it can undermine it.
Having a lot of people looking busy but getting nothing accomplished is very common in campaigns, but it won’t help you win. Volunteers MUST understand there is nothing less helpful than a volunteer who is not willing to do what the CAMPAIGN asks them to do. It is better to have 10 GREAT volunteers than to have 100 who cause chaos and get nothing done.
Conservative Campaign Consulting can help you develop your volunteer strategy, help recruit volunteers and interns for you, and put the processes in place for them so you can stay busy on the campaign trail!
Good volunteers are worth their weight in gold and must be appreciated as such!
My name is Lauren and me and my team of hard working, red-blooded, conservative patriots are ready to take your campaign to the next level! Time is running out, so call us today at 888-298-4848!